How do I receive CPEUs for a webinar I attended?
Current year webinar "live" CPEU certificates can be found here.
How do I become more involved with WM DPG?
We have many volunteer opportunities and we would love to have you involved. Learn more here.
How do I sign up for Electronic Mailing Lists (EML's)?
Link here to submit your subscription request. You have 4 possible choices (choose one or more!)
- General Weight Management
- Bariatric Surgery Subunit
- Pediatric Weight Management Subunit
- Weight and Wellness Coaching Subunit
How do I find out about upcoming WM DPG events?
We now have an event calendar right on our home page! You'll find all activities and events there.
My company wants to sponsor WM DPG. How do they do so?
Please check out our sponsorship opportunities and/or reach out to our Sponsorship Chair or Executive Director.
We'd love to work with you!
Does WM DPG sell products?
WM DPG facilitated the review of the Pocket Guide to Bariatric Surgery, which is now available in the Eatright Store.
How do I nominate someone for a WM DPG Award?
Awards applications are accepted each spring. Watch for a calendar listing and in our Blast Emails for more information.
I want to apply for a WM DPG stipend - can I do that all year?
WM DPG stipends are available at set times during the year. In early summer, you can apply for stipends for Obesity Week and FNCE®, as well as the Certificate in Training in Weight Management. In the winter, stipends are available for the Advocacy Summit (formerly known as Public Policy Workshop).
I am trying to find an article that was in the Spring Newsletter last year. How do I find a copy?
All WM DPG newsletters from 2003-present can be found here.
Can I distribute an article from a WM DPG newsletter to my students?
WM DPG holds all copyright to newsletter articles, unless the author chooses to retain copyright. You may request permission to reprint by contacting the WM DPG Executive Office.
How much does it cost to join the WM DPG subunits?
All subunits are free to WM DPG members! You can read more about the bariatric subunit, pediatric subunit and wellness/coaching subunit on the website.
How do I receive the CPEU for a newsletter article?
Find CPEU articles on the website here. You'll read the article and complete the quiz. If you score 80% or higher on the quiz, your CPEU documentation is emailed at the end of each month.