Looking for a speaker on plant-based diets?
The Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group (VN DPG) provides a Speakers Bureau and potential sponsorship for events hosted by affiliate members of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. This Speakers Bureau provides a database of VN DPG members who have speaking experience on plant based nutrition issues and are willing to prepare and speak on the topics listed.
- State and regional associations of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics are welcome to choose speakers from this list for their meetings. In addition, the VN DPG offers speaker sponsorship to cover the travel and speaking fees.
- For those organizations who choose a speaker from the VN Speakers Bureau, VN will consider a stipend up to $1000 to help defray travel and speaking fees.
- Applications are considered based on available funds, with the fiscal year restarting in June:
- APPLY HERE using the VN Speaker Stipend Application after you’ve contacted your preferred speaker.
- Request receipt of application by emailing vn@eatright.org
- VN sponsorship must be recognized in your organization’s marketing for the event and evaluations of the event must be sent to vn@eatright.org