Call to Action

Tell us your story!

You are a childhood and pediatric nutrition expert. Your unique skills include translating the science into practical, usable tools, and helping legislators understand nutrition and its impact on children’s health.

A real story can go a long way to draw passion and personalization to the issues. As pediatric dietitians, we see real life stories everyday!

  • Do you know a child who benefits from school lunch?
  • Do you have a story to tell about a nutrient or drug shortage?
  • Do you know a child who didn’t get the help they needed because of insurance constraints? Or do you know of a child who is now able to get health care under the Affordable Care Act?
  • Do you know a family who benefits from the WIC program?
  • Do you know children whose parents use SNAP benefits to make nutritious meals?

Everyone has a story—let’s hear yours!

PNPG has a dedicated team devoted to educating members on public policy issues and communicating with legislators and policy leaders on behalf of pediatric nutrition-related legislation. To join the team, share your stories, ask questions, or submit suggestions, please contact the PNPG public policy team You can also contact the Academy’s Policy Initiative and Advocacy (PIA) team at 1-800-877-0877.