Planning new programs and benefits should be focused on accomplishing your affiliate's strategic plan. You can find more details on
strategic and committee planning here. Encourage your volunteers to come up with new ideas within their committees and present them to the board as fully formed ideas.
To help with consistency and evaluation by the board, consider the use of a project proposal template. You can find examples below which can also be downloaded on the sidebar. Please also reference the webinar recording and slides in the sidebar to walk you through the entire process.
New Member Benefit Proposal Templates
Use these templates when evaluating a new member benefit offering. Your template will provide consistency in tracking new ideas proposed to the board. It will also ensure all new ideas are thoroughly reviewed against the same standards. The data provided should provide all of the information needed for the board to make an educated decision about the request.
The form should be completed by the volunteer, chair, or committee proposing the new offering. The board should determine a reasonable response time that all proposals will be reviewed, and the decision will be communicated back to the submitter. We recommend you first have your finance committee evaluate the financial feasibility of the new offering and submit their recommendation to the full board for review and discussion.
The categories below are a guide and should be adapted to fit the needs of each affiliate. There are two formats you can utilize or request a copy of the proposal survey form:
Example 1:
Title of New Program:
Overview of Program:
Program Goals and Objectives:
Strategic Plan Goal Program Ties to:
Please include links to supporting document used to design project (environmental scans, surveys, etc.)
Project Timeline (include deadlines of all major steps):
Link to Proposed Budget (revenue and expenses):
Method of Evaluation:
Long Term Projection to become revenue neutral:
Example 2:
<name of new offering>
<committee/individual presenting the offering>
Situation: Explain the current environment, challenge, or opportunity where the new offering will make an impact.
Objective: Define the objective of the offering and what it intends to provide for members or the organization.
Strategy: How will this new offering play into the strategic direction of the organization.
Tactic: Define the offering.
Narrative: Explain the details of the offering. Include the resources needed to create/implement the offering, the timeline, communication plan, the individuals/committee responsible for the work, etc.
Rules: Define the parameters of the program. Include who will use/benefit from the offering, if there is a timeline associated with the offering, any required criteria or approve, etc.
Budget: Include the proposed budget requirement.
Timeline: Include a specific timeline for development, launch, and execution of the offering.