Job/position title:
Clinical Research Coordinator/Army Reserve Dietitian
The Geneva Foundation; Geneva is a non-profit organization that supports innovative medical research and excellence in education within the U.S. military.
U.S. Military; 7451 Medical Operations Readiness Unit; provides medical staff and support for military operations at home and abroad.
Current role/duties:
Clinical Research Coordinator at Madigan Army Medical Center in the Interdisciplinary Pain Management Clinic (IPMC); oversees all aspects of a randomized controlled trial evaluating patient outcomes between standard and complimentary and integrative pain management therapies.
Army Reserve Dietitian: provides evidenced-based performance and recovery nutrition therapy to Army reserve Soldiers in a medical operation readiness unit.
Kira P. Heartwick, MS, RDN, CNSC, CSSD
Does your Affiliate hold a special event fundraiser or create a presence at your annual meeting for the Foundation?
I am just becoming familiar with the Treasurer role and how to best serve as fundraising chair. Last year was challenging for all affiliates. It was a tough time to bring members in the community together with the social restrictions in place. I look forward to having more freedom to conceptualize opportunities to highlight the work of the Foundation and underscore the impact these efforts have on nutrition professionals.
Why was it important to you to serve as your Affiliate’s Sate Fundraising Champion?
I like bringing people together to achieve a common goal and you can build lifelong partnerships in the process. I think the professionals in our field want to get things done, we all just need the trajectory and the plan for execution. The state fundraising champion is a medium through which this can happen.
What are your typical duties in this volunteer role?
Thus far I have reported on our revenue streams, mostly from membership rebates, and planning for upcoming expenses. As I gain more experience, I look forward to planning the yearly budget with our Executive Director.
What is the one thing you like to tell everyone about the Foundation?
I believe the Foundation’s vision represents who the majority of dietetic professional are at their core; we want to see “a world where people thrive though the transformative power of food and nutrition.” We are doing the work on the ground, and the Foundation is leading the charge on the world stage.
Academy Foundation State Fundraising Champions serve in volunteer leadership positions within each Academy affiliate on behalf of our Foundation to help create awareness amongst its membership and raise funds to support Foundation programs. We would like to recognize Kira for her great work and thank all of our Fundraising Champions who are committed to our Foundation.
State Fundraising Champions share Foundation news, announcements and messaging with their membership, create a Foundation presence at their affiliate’s annual meeting and encourage donations. If your affiliate still needs to fill your State Fundraising Champion position, please call Paul Slomski, Senior Foundation Chair, (312) 899-1746, or email at